Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Pleated Sleeves?

I made this blouse with McCalls M7899 view B.This is a very different blouse style for me because of the pleated sleeves. I almost didn't buy the pattern cause I thought they looked kinda weird but I also liked them so why not. The sleeves were very time consuming because there were 6 pleats in each sleeve and each pleat had to be sewn about 7 inches in length, to about half the sleeve and in order to get perfect pleats you have to pin every single one. Once I got done with the pleats the rest was very easy. There was no need for buttonholes nor zipper. The only thing needed was a hook and eye on the top back. I was going to add elastic to the sleeves but I decided against it since summer is practically here and in Texas I'll need some air circulating within the sleeves. Fabric being rayon doesn't help either. I'm willing to make another blouse using this pattern but I think I'll use a soft cotton next time.

Monday, May 13, 2019

May Makes

I made this blouse using Butterick B6455 view B. I really like how the sleeves have
ties which means more room for my arms. I bought the fabric that was folded  in a plastic bag along with matching thread at a thrift store. You never know what you'll fine.

The following blouse was made using McCall's 7997. It's a very old pattern and no longer available although you might find it on Ebay or Etsy. The fabric was from my stash.

I wore a lot of peasant blouses and skirts back in the 70's and to this day I still like them. Alot! I was going through my big container of old patterns and found a very very old blouse pattern and I just so happened to have the perfect fabric for it. Pattern is as Easy McCall's 4897. It's super easy except that you have to cut a casing for the elastic that you insert in the neckline. Pattern tells you to sew the casing by machine of course but then to turn it towards the wrong side and hand stitch it on sewing line. That took forever and that's because I'm an experienced seamstress. I'll have to find an easier way next time. I'm thinking if it's sewn by machine it might not look as neat but you can't really see the stitching because of the elastic gathering.

I bought this fabric way before I made the blouse above as a matter of fact I made the yellow blouse to go with this fabric. I'm making a three tiered skirt that I will be lining because the fabric is pretty thin. I've never lined a skirt so I still don't know what fabric I'll be using for that. The more I look at the skirt pattern the more I'm asking myself if I really want to wear a maxi skirt during summer in Texas and not only a skirt but a lined skirt.